Ready to lose your tattoo? Do it better and faster with PicoSure

PicoSure is the world’s first picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser with PressureWave technology, which works with your body to remove unwanted ink. PicoSure delivers laser energy that specifically targets tattoo ink, resulting in the successful shattering of just the ink particles without harming the surrounding tissue.

PicoSure works effectively on:

  • Multicolored tattoos, including blues and greens
  • Hard-to-remove black ink
  • Stubborn, previously treated tattoos

Best of all, PicoSure tattoo removal often requires fewer treatments than traditional laser tattoo removal.

How does Picosure work?

Lasers do not remove tattoos, your body does. Naturally. Let PicoSure help.

During treatments with PicoSure, PressureWave technology is used to deliver ultra-short pulses of specialized energy to targeted ink particles.

PressureWave™ technology in action.

These pulses are so rapid they cause a change in pressure that breaks ink apart into tiny dust-like particles. These tiny particles are then absorbed by the lymphatic system, a critical part of your body’s immune system, and eliminated naturally.

PressureWave is the secret behind tattoo treatments with the PicoSure laser. By delivering the ideal energy to the skin, PicoSure efficiently shatters tattoo ink and allows your body to remove it naturally.

Treatments for an average sized tattoo typically take about 10 minutes, but larger or more complex tattoos can take longer.

Laser tattoo removal has been described as feeling similar to the actual tattooing process. PicoSure relies on pressure changes instead of just heat to break apart ink particles but some patients may feel some discomfort. Your treatment provider should be able to provide aids to make your experience more comfortable.

  • Number of treatments needed is dependent on variables such as ink characteristics, size of tattoo, location on body, and lifestyle habits
  • Treatments typically occur every 6-8 weeks and your treatment provider will develop a treatment plan to meet your individual needs.

Patients and treatment providers have reported better clearance (disappearance) of tattoos with improved recovery time. You can expect excellent results with PicoSure.

PicoSure – The first and leading choice for comfortable and convenient tattoo removal and skin revitalization treatments for wrinkles, acne scars and pigment like freckles, sunspots and discoloration.

PicoSure is the first of a new generation of aesthetic lasers that don’t rely solely on heat to burn or melt away unwanted tattoo ink or melanin, the pigment that causes dark spots in your skin.

Instead, PicoSure engineers used cutting edge physics and medical science to help practitioners treat patients in a new way. Instead of building up heat, PicoSure delivers energy so rapidly (in trillionths of a second) that tiny particles that make up pigment and tattoo ink vibrate and shatter, without burning surrounding tissue. Less heat means less tissue damage and discomfort.

Even more impressively, PicoSure’s revolutionary technology is designed to harness the body’s natural healing processes to restore youthful skin in ways never before possible. Using proprietary Focus lens technology, PicoSure effectively converts the laser energy into gentle pressure waves that activate Cell Signaling, the body’s natural communication processes and one of the most exciting medical discoveries in recent history.

PicoSure is the world’s first picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser with PressureWave™ technology, which works with your body to remove unwanted ink.

Selective “shattering” with PressureWave™ PicoSure delivers laser energy that specifically targets tattoo ink, resulting in the successful shattering of just the ink particles without harming the surrounding tissue. PressureWave is the secret behind tattoo treatments with PicoSure.

PicoSure works effectively on:
• Multicolored tattoos, including blues and greens
• Hard-to-remove black ink
• Stubborn, previously treated tattoos
Best of all, PicoSure tattoo removal often requires fewer treatments than traditional laser tattoo removal.

PressureWave is the secret behind tattoo treatments with the PicoSure laser. By delivering the ideal energy to the skin, PicoSure efficiently shatters tattoo ink and allows your body to remove it naturally.

How does a PicoSure treatment work?

During treatment with PicoSure, ultra-short (trillionths of a second) pulses target ink particles with PressureWave technology—a pressure so powerful, the ink shatters into tiny dust-like particles. These microscopic particles are more rapidly absorbed and eliminated naturally by the body.

Lose the ink, faster, with PicoSure
• Fast treatment times of typically 10 minutes
• Number of treatments needed is dependent on variables such as ink characteristics, size of tattoo, location on body, and lifestyle habits*
• Treatments typically occur every 6-8 weeks*

PressureWave your tattoo away with PicoSure!  Let PicoSure work with your body to clear unwanted ink colors, with breakthrough tattoo removal.

PicoSure works with your body to remove tattoos—better and in fewer treatments.

Selective “shattering” with PressureWave™ PicoSure delivers laser energy that specifically targets tattoo ink, resulting in the successful shattering of just the ink particles without harming the surrounding tissue. PressureWave is the secret behind tattoo treatments with PicoSure.

* Your treatment provider will develop a treatment plan to meet your individual needs.  Patients and treatment providers have reported better clearance (disappearance) of tattoos with improved recovery time. So you can expect excellent results with PicoSure.

Before & After